

Tulcea, the gate to Danube Delta – the main departing point to the wonderful delta of the Danube.

From here, the Danube meets the sea and creates a landform unique in Europe: the Danube Delta. Tulcea is neighbor with the youngest land of Europe on one hand – The Danube Delta on the other hand is neighbor with one of the oldest mountains of the planet, the Macin mountains with an approximate age of 400 million years.

Tulcea is one of the 3 cities built on 7 hills, among Rome and Iasi. The shore looks like a double gate. The harbor ensures the entrance to the wonderful aquatic ways of the delta, being also the one that offers the first solid ground touch to the passengers. The slopes of the 7 hills on which the city of Tulcea rised, have a configuration of a natural amphitheater with an opening to the Danube.

Tulcea means the main departing point to the Danube Delta – a unique place, not only in the country or the continent but in the world.

It’s recommended to be visited by the ones who wish to make a trip for a day or half a day in the Danube Delta, the Tulcea seafront being the main departing point.

The hotels and pensions from Tulcea offer ideal conditions for accommodation of 3 and 4 stars, also offering a good quality rate.

For a wonderful sojourn in this deltaic city, consult our offer of accommodation: Tulcea pensions, hotels and seafront accommodation.

Tourist attractions

If you arrive at Tulcea it’s a pity not to book at least 2 nights of accommodation, with a mandatory excursion in Delta. We recommend you to visit:

Eco Museum Centre of the Danube Delta – the biggest aquarium from south eastern Europe where you can meet for the first time with the flora and fauna of the delta and also with the local traditions;

The Danube seafront – one of the most beautiful seafronts that the old river meets, a place with a promenade and relaxation for the locals and tourists.

The Monument of Independence – recommended to be visited at sunset, offers a beautiful landscape of the Danube and the city.

An excursion at Enisala Citadel (40 km) or a visit to the orthodox monasteries from northern Dobrogea: Celic – Dere, Saon, Cocos, Valea Teilor, also a walk through the Macin Mountains Natural Reservation.

The Art Museum, Republica Museum ship, Etnography and folk art Museum; places of worship: Azizie Mosque, the Israelite Temple; “Jean Bart” Theater. These are the tourist attractions that must be visited in Tulcea.

You have all reasons to visit Tulcea!

The best accommodation in Tulcea

We offer you only very carefully selected tourist locations, that guarantee the booking, the accommodation conditions and the presented touristic services, but also the lowest tariffs.
Choose one of the accommodation packages Tulcea pensions, Tulcea hotels, Tulcea accommodations.


This is our answer to your wish to escape from the glass and concrete walls, traffic jams and honks; to the wish to forget about the mobile phones and the internet for a few days; to the wish to forget about reports, statistics, sells, money and money all over again, plans and goals; to the wish to not anymore see the uptight, unhappy and exhausted colleagues.
TO THE WISH OF RETURNING IN THE NATURE- the human being’s origin! Come to the Danube delta!

Photo gallery Tulcea – Danube Delta